Dr. Steve Hansen
Areas of Specialization:
- •Human Movement Behaviour Analysis
- •Human Sensory-Movement Systems
- •Movement Control in Special Populations
Research Interests:
- •Visual control of upper limb movements
- •Measurement and quantification of individual differences in the preparation and execution of movement
- •Kinematic analyses of the movements of individuals from typically developing and special populations
- •Theoretical modelling of movement control and movement rehabilitation
Dr. Jim McAuliffe
Areas of Specialization:
- •Visual attention
- •Motor learning
- •Motor control
Research Interests:
- •Visual attention and autonomic nervous system activation
- •Inhibition of return
- •Attention and safe driving
- •Neurocognitive function and sport-related concussion (mTBI)
Dr. Barbi Law
Area of Specialization:
- •Psychological skills used to enhance learning and performance in movement settings (e.g., sport, exercise, injury rehabilitation, and physical education)
Research Interests:
- •Modeling (observational learning) and imagery interventions in sport, exercise, injury rehabilitation, and physical education settings
- •Development of physical literacy and self-efficacy
- •Self-regulation of learning
Michelle Campbell, BPHE (MSc Kin: 2023-Present)